A Day At Wise Owls...
Children at All Saints Wise Owls are offered a wide variety of experiences each day. The preschool staff take time each morning to talk about the children due in that day. They consider what life is like for the child, how they are managing emotionally, what skills they are developing or need encouragement and support to master and what interests they are showing. We look at each individual holistically and all of these things aid us in planning what we provide.
We are a very outdoor focused setting. We make the best use the beautiful environment we have access to. Children develop safe risk taking when they climb trees and use rope swings. They have access to a bug area, can use the mud kitchen to make potions, explore plenty of sensory play activities including the sand and water. Children have daily access to bikes, trikes and ride on's to develop physical skills and control of their bodies.
Within our continuous provision, we offer a wide variety of activities throughout the day which encourages children to investigate, use and develop their imagination. We aim to instill that Awe and Wonder in children. We gently encourage children to get 'stuck in' and explore activities such as water play, sand play, gluing and sticking, crafts and mark making, re-creating letters from their names in salt, manipulating play dough, mixing coloured water, using pipettes and jugs for filling and emptying. Role play is important to us and an immersive and interactive activity for children to develop their understanding of the world in which they live, relive experiences through their play and learn to extend on these. Children at Wise Owls get to experience music sessions, forest school and yoga. The list goes on.
Our curriculum is the basis of what we are doing and why we are doing it. Our approach is gentle in nature. We value and promote the Key person policy as relationships and attachments to key people is crucial. We aim not to interrupt play so snack opportunities are offered in a cafe style way so children can have their snack and drink when they decide it is a good time to halt their play.
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is planned and designed with the EYFS development matters weaving through and is tailored to the children in our care. We consider what we feel is important for the children to have mastered and be working towards during their time with us.
Communication and Language is at the heart of all we do. The environment offers 'pockets' of spaces that invite our children to engage and explore. Staff are positioned to facilitate these key conversations, narrate children's play, build on and offer new and exciting vocabulary. We want our children to be able to verbally communicate their wants, needs and feelings to both peers and adults. We use other systems such as visuals to support the development of this skill.
Personal Social and Emotional - we have high aspirations for all of our children. We want our children to have high self esteem and be confident in new situations. We want our children to be independent is their personal care and hygiene routines and learn about healthy lifestyle choices. It is important to us that children are treated with dignity and respect and that they have a positive view on themselves and of their abilities. We guide children in understanding their emotions and understand that some emotions are really big! We help our children attune to this and know that their emotions are valid and okay.
Physical - children need to safely risk take and manage their own risks. We want our children to use tools safely such as knives for spreading and scissors for cutting which our staff guide and support the development of this. We want the children to develop good spacial awareness, balance and control of their bodies. We encourage independence in dressing.
Literacy - we aim to instill a life long love of reading. Children should be exposed to and enjoy a range of books - non fiction, fiction, poems and rhymes. We aim for our children to begin to recognize the physical structure of books, how books are handled and read. Children learn to recognize their own written name and are supported in building an interest to start writing their name too.
Mathematics - we want children to have fun with numbers and explore and be confident in using mathematical language such as more/less, big/ small, how many? Children explore shapes and properties of shapes and we want our children to be able to count to 10 with a developing knowledge of the value of number up to 10.
Understanding the world - we aim for our children to be aware, understand and experience different cultures and traditions which maybe different to that of their own. Children talk about occupations and the community of which they are growing up in.
Expressive arts and design - we want our children to have the building blocks to independently develop and use their own imagination and creativity. Children can use a wide range of tools and materials in expressing themselves. Our children enjoy and create songs and use instruments with increasing control.